Training, assessment, and consulting to help your business excel

Hybrid Home and Office Behavior Inventory© (H2OBI)

The H2O Behavior Inventory© Description

The Hybrid Home and Office Behavior Inventory© (H2O Behavior Inventory©) is the name of a non-clinical multidimensional assessment tool based in several psychological theories. It identifies the interactions of four meaningful dimensions of work/life behaviors. Our main objective is for you to become highly sensitive and aware of your styles and preferences in personal motivators, processing information, interpersonal skills and professional conduct. When you become highly sensitive to those four domains (or different areas) of consistent work\life behavior…you can learn to identify and counteract unfavorably reactions in your interactions with people. Ultimately, you should be able to consistently present yourself favorably at home and work.






    Completing The H2O Behavior Inventory© - Validation Participation


    1. Click on "Take Free Assessment" in the middle of this page.

    2. Go to the URL to complete the assessment.

    3.There are 40 questions on the inventory. Select the one (1) answer that currently describes you the best. It will take about 15 to 20 minutes to complete.
    4. After completing the assessment, we will send you a "simplified report" via e-mail within 14 calendars days.

    Contact Us with any questions, concerns or request.